The results from the water test are in. According to the Domestic Water Analysis Report, 19 different physical, chemical, and bacteriological parameters were measured. The results were compared to World Health Organization (WHO) standards and Tanzanian standards. The water sample taken from the borehole we drilled came in far above the established standards. Our water sample passed in each of the 19 categories. The recommendation from the water and sewage authority: “In accordance with the analysis done the water is acceptable for human consumption.” Or, as Tony put it, “Hapo sawa!”
This means we are now able to move forward with the buildout of the well. More importantly, the water that will pumped from the well has been deemed safe for drinking. This is excellent news as the school and community will soon have an additional source of water that is safe to drink and cook with. The water that will be sold from the vending station located at the future Tloma Business Development Center can be used for a wider variety of uses.
The Tloma Giving board is ecstatic over this fantastic news. Our team in Tloma is equally thrilled. We are on the way to creating a very bright future for the community.
Background image by Riaan Marais from Pixabay